Prologue - How it all started


In 2017, I quit my job in the tech industry.

After 6 years of running my own business, dealing with clients and projects, I figured it was time for something different. I needed a break and after watching too many Netflix documentaries and old Indiana Jones movies, curiosity got the best of me and I thought it was the perfect time to go exploring.

Personally, I’ve always thought that as privileged citizens of the western world, we are trapped in our small 1% bubbles most of the time. As Australians, even when we normally travel for holidays it’s to comfortable, easy-to-visit places such as Thailand, USA or Europe.

So I figured it would be a challenge and a learning experience to venture outside of our comfort zone and bubble, and see what the rest of the world was like!

With no concrete plans besides “explore the world”, I planned out 12 months to see as much of the world as possible.

How wrong I was about the size of the world! Initially I thought I could visit 3-4 continents of the world, with about 3 months on each continent. But as I started my trip in South America, I realised that the world was so much bigger and more interesting than I expected - so I made the 12 month deadline a soft deadline instead, and made it into a “it’ll be finished when it’s finished” deadline.

Over the next three years, I travelled through South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, India, Middle East, North America and Central America.

Along the way I experienced the best in humanity - I realised that despite the negative news you get about things that happen outside your bubble, in general people were good. And that’s my biggest takeaway from the trip - that people were in general kind, helpful, and innately good, no matter what race, culture or religion they were.

And of course, I managed to see the sights. I hiked the Inca trail and visited Macchu Picchu. I explored the ruins of Bagan in Burma, and feasted on delicious Burmese food. I wandered the streets of Rome and Paris, and drove from New York to LA via Florida and Texas. I spent the most colourful Christmas in Moscow, and New Years in an igloo in Finland. I jumped into the icy blue waters of Patagonia at the bottom of the world, and a year later I jumped into the waters at -20 degrees C in the Arctic Circle at the top of the world.

And that’s not all - there were the horse rides, the hikes and the markets, and the food and the shops, and the train rides and the beaches…

The Gear

As I travelled, I not only discovered the world, but I discovered my love of travelling itself.

Not just about the destination, but also about how you get there - for example, what is the most efficient way to pack? How do you prepare for 20+ hour plane trips? How do you plan for hotels and schedule activities? Being away from home 3-6 months at a time means you had to be efficient and effective with your packing and planning, and I took away lots of lessons in how to travel better.

And I discovered gear was a big part of it. Picking the right type of luggage (Suitcase? Hiking backpack? Duffle bags?) was the start, but then also decisions had to be made about weight, comfort, and style of every individual item, as you were limited by weight and also you had to live with whatever you can carry for the next few months. As such, functionality became a consideration factor in everything I wore or carried in my bag.

But it wasn’t just about functionality - being stuck for months with whatever gear you choose to pack meant that I started to think more about form as well. I wasn’t 20 years old anymore - back then I was able to travel in hiking backpacks and camping shell jackets with no consideration of how I looked. But now I wasn’t just hiking and staying in hostels anymore. In between the hikes and rougher areas of travelling, I was also enjoying nice restaurants and hotels, and musicals in London and New York.

This was the starting point of my obsession for gear - just like travelling, I started to look outside of my comfort zone. I started exploring gear, clothing and tools that were not only functional, but had enough “soul” and character that I wouldn’t feel strange wearing them in urban environments.

I experimented with different types of materials for bags - waxed canvas, leather, Dyneema, and different form factors - messenger, backpack, daypacks. With clothing I tried different laying techniques, and saw how different materials felt in different environments.  What some companies claim to be “ merino wool that’s cool in Summer” is probably not talking about tropical Cambodia or hot and dry Middle Eastern weather. And I always related it back to travel - at the end of the day, the items had to be durable, easily washed and cleaned, and lightweight enough to carry in a backpack without taking up too much room.

By the end of my journey, I had a big spreadsheet of all the gear I tried and explored, with different weights, volume, weather conditions, durability, and style ratings.

The Final Adventure

And that brings us to the end of the journey, and the start of Final Adventure.

When I returned, I knew the travelling was over - for now. But my passion and love for travel and travel gear was still there, and I realised I wanted to maintain this spirit and share this passion with others. And looking around back home in Sydney I realised there weren't many opportunities in Australia for menswear with a travel/adventure focus - stores were either too “fashion” or too “camping”, but nothing in between.

So began the Final Adventure project.

This is my attempt to bring my love of travel and travel gear to others, by showcasing the best adventure-inspired gear in the world, combined with real-life travel experiences, tips and advice.  

I believe that no matter where you're going - whether it's a 3 year around the trip, or just something for the weekend - we can find you the best gear so you can get there comfortably and stylishly.

Enjoy browsing our website, and I hope you'll find that next destination or gear that you're looking for!

-Paul September 2020